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2024-06-21 16:41    点击次数:73


Beaufort Scale of Wind  蒲福风级表


Beaufort Scale  Description  Wind speed(knot)

0         Calm 无风                     <0     Sea like a mirror1        light air 软风                  1-2Ripples but without foam crests2       Light breeze 轻风           3-6Small wavelets. Crests do not break3       Gentle breeze 微风        7-10Large wavelets. Perhaps scattered white horses4    Moderate breeze  和风      11-15Small waves. Fairly frequent white horses5    Fresh breeze 清风            16-20Moderate waves, many white horses6    Strong breeze 强风          21-26     Large waves begin to form; white foam crests,probably spray                                                                7    Near gale   疾风              27-33Sea heaps up and white foam blown in streaksalong the direction of the wind8      Gale 大风                     34-40Moderately high waves, crests begin to break into spindrift 9      Strong gale  烈风          41-47High waves. Dense foam along the direction ofthe wind. Crests of waves begin to roll over. Spray may affect visibility10       Storm  狂风               48-55Very high waves with long overhanging crests. The surface of the seatakes a white appearance. The tumbling of the sea becomes heavy and shocklike. Visibility affected11     Violent storm  摇风      56-63Exceptionally high waves. The seais completelycovered with long white patches of foam lying inthe direction of the wind. Visibility affected12    Hurricane  飓风              ≥64The air is filled with foam and spray. Sea completely white with driving spray. Visibility very seriously affected

蒲福风级(Beaufort scale)是海外通用的风力品级纸制工艺品,由英国东说念主弗朗西斯·蒲福(Francis Beaufort)于1805年拟定,用以暗示风强度品级。风力品级简称风级,首页-信茂艾服装有限公司是风强度(风力)的一种暗示动作, 首页-达昌索香精有限公司故又称“蒲福风力品级表”。它率先是凭证风对大地物体或海面的影响大小分为0—12级, 首页-汉昌艾皮具有限公司纸制工艺品 共13个品级。 自1946年以来,风力品级又作了引申,加多到18个品级(0—17级)。蒲福风级表最运转时只诈欺于海上,经校正后也可用于陆地。1947年第12届海外感奋台长会议上被厚爱承认。




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